Sunday, November 21, 2010

Crazy p(-_-)q

Posted by Sulliviera at 11:45 PM
Yeah, I think I just when crazy moment ago. Too many things happen!! sekejap happy kejap sedih.. Letih arr camnih! why must it happen today.. No, why does it NEED to happen! I just want to forget about it all. T_T
I want to throw it out of my life. It's been years... And aku memang 0% tak mengharapkan ianya to turn this way. Memang senang cerita la kan... Secara automatiknya aku daa tak betul.. Aduyai, layan lagu pom, lagu yang memang, alahai! Memang xsangka aku dengar.. Ahaks! Keadaan aku ni kan, memang mengingatkan aku a song.


Lebih kurang but not like 100% kay.. Random play continue......................................


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